Wine Lover
The spirit of Bordeaux wines
10/09/2011 15:27
Each Bordeaux wine has its own personality, intimately related to the special touch of the master winemaker or estate...
How to Lose Weight by Drinking Red Wine
25/07/2011 15:54
The health benefits of red wine are many when consumed in moderation. Red wine is considered heart-healthy, a claim...
Red Wine Benefits for Women
25/07/2011 15:43
Ladies, sit back and enjoy a glass of wine after a hard day of work. Research has shown drinking a glass of red wine...
Benefits From Drinking Red Wine
25/07/2011 15:29
Is drinking red wine good for you? If consumed in moderation, it probably is. A whole range of health benefits is...
Health Benefits of Red Wine
25/07/2011 15:22
Scientists have long speculated that red wine might be the key to good health for people in wine-loving regions like...
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